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4 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Problems to Watch Out For In Your Kids

Writer: ahmad hatoumahmad hatoum

Kids are susceptible to a multitude of infections. It’s almost impossible to stop kids from touching or interacting with objects around them. After all, they’re just being kids. And because their ENT regions are not yet completely developed, they become prone to eye, ear, nose, and throat problems.

As a parent, taking care of sick kids is never a good situation to be in, so it’s essential to be aware of these ENT illnesses and prevent them from happening. And if your kids do catch them, it’s best to be prepared so they can recover from it faster. 

Sore throat​​​

Two of the most common throat problems that occur in kids are tonsilitis and pharyngitis. Both can be caused by viral or bacterial infections, which could lead to inflammation of the tonsils and/or throat. If not treated immediately, the situation could get worse and lead to nausea and vomiting.

Kids can be exposed to the virus or bug through the air. They can also become infected indirectly when their contaminated hands come in contact with the mouth or nose. Make sure that the individuals who interact with your children are not sick. As an extra measure, ask anyone who wants to hold your toddler to wash their hands.

​It’s also important to know if these conditions are caused by allergies, which is quite common in young children. Consult your child’s pediatrician to get the right treatment.

Ear infection

Almost every child has encountered an ear infection at one point. Surprisingly, it’s as prevalent as the common cold. The most frequently occurring is otitis media or middle ear infection. This happens when an upper respiratory tract infection makes its way up the Eustachian tube and reaches the middle ear, which could cause pain, fever, and in worse cases, hearing loss.

Treatment involves oral antibiotic medications. But in some cases, allergies are to blame, so a correct diagnosis is important. 


Sinusitis in children is typically caused by an infection of the maxillary sinus which leads to the inflammation of the mucous membrane. Symptoms include frequent nasal discharge, nasal blockage, and cough. Antibiotics are generally administered for treatment. But if symptoms persist, it would be best to determine if the condition is caused by an allergy or an infection. 


Rhinitis, also known as coryza, is the infection of the mucous membrane inside the nose. Its symptoms include stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, and post-nasal drip. The inflammation can be caused by bacteria, viruses, and allergens or irritants.

Allergic rhinitis is the most common kind. Usually, it’s set off by airborne allergens such as pollen or dander, and certain foods. This can happen year-round or at a particular season. Allergic rhinitis may cause additional symptoms such as nasal itching, headache, fatigue, malaise, and even cognitive impairment.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

When it comes to dealing with illnesses, prevention cannot be stressed enough. Your kids may not be as careful as you want them to be, but it’s always a great idea to teach them while they’re young. It would be helpful if they know what to avoid in lessening the risk of exposure. Make it a point to remind your children to wash their hands regularly.

As a parent, you should also have an idea if your kids ever fall sick to one of these ENT conditions. It’s always best to determine the illnesses early on to give the best and fastest treatment possible. If things get worse, the right thing to do is consult a physician.

Awareness is key, so pass this on to other parents! Share this article to help them deal with these common eye, ear, nose, and throat disorders better.



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