The biggest indicator of the summer season is the noticeable increase in temperature. Under normal circumstances, beach trips, playing sports, and other outdoor activities become the focus of summertime preparations. However, it is crucial to be mindful of the possible impact the heat can have on one’s health.
The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Service Administration (PAGASA) stated that the country does not experience the summer season. Rather, the Philippines has two seasons: rainy season (from June to November) and dry season (from December to May). What Filipinos have been referring to as “summer” is the dry season, but people have become so accustomed to using the mislabel that it soon became an acceptable alternative.
To best take advantage of the season without worry, it is crucial to identify these possible health risks and take the appropriate precautions to avoid them.
Common Health Issues During Summer
Dehydration occurs when the body loses more water than it gains, causing symptoms such as lightheadedness, irritability, and dry mouth. While dehydration can happen anytime throughout the year, incidents are undoubtedly more common during the drier months.
Heat exhaustion and heatstroke happen when the body is unable to cool down sufficiently after prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Severe cases of heatstroke can result in nausea, high body temperature, and even loss of consciousness.
Heat rash
Also known as prickly heat or bungang araw, heat rashes are red bumps or patches of skin caused by excessive humidity and heat. This may also be caused by the clogging of sweat glands in the affected area.
The heat and other factors such as dust and pollen may trigger allergies, which include sneezing and skin reactions. Heavy smog is also more prevalent during summer that may lead to respiratory problems.
Migraines are a type of headache characterized by excessive pain, usually in the form of severe throbbing or pulsing sensations. It may lead to nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sounds.
Insect bites
Spending more time outdoors or wearing clothes that expose the limbs and skin can increase one’s risk of getting bitten by mosquitoes and other insects. While this may seem harmless, mosquitoes can transmit serious illnesses like dengue and malaria.
Direct and prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause painful sunburns. The damage to the skin can lead to the early onset of wrinkles, fine lines, and sunspots, as well as an increased risk of developing skin cancer.
Food poisoning
Due to the extreme heat, food stored improperly or left out in the open may spoil easily, which can lead to food poisoning when consumed. Food poisoning often manifests with symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
How to Stay Healthy at Home During Summer While Community Quarantine may be ongoing, the risk of encountering these summer health issues is not completely gone. Here are some precautions to take to minimize this risk as much as possible:
1. Drink more water To aid the body in its cooling process, staying hydrated is essential. Aside from drinking more water, it is advisable to opt for drinks with electrolytes when exercising or doing strenuous activities in the heat. Eating food with high water content such as fruits and vegetables can also help with hydration.
2. Keep food clean and healthy Eating a well-balanced diet is important to keep the body’s immune system in peak condition. Aside from avoiding salty and processed food, ensure that wet ingredients and perishable goods are stored properly to prevent spoilage. Throw out leftovers that have been sitting in the open for more than two hours.
3. Start getting active Regular exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. As much as possible, try to limit any exercise or physical activity to indoors or under adequate shade. Make sure to schedule workouts during cooler hours—either earlier in the day or towards nighttime—to avoid the worst of the summer heat.
4. Wear light clothing It is crucial to keep the body cool and well-ventilated to prevent heat from building up. Light-colored, loose-fitting garments help air circulate better and reflect heat rather than absorb it. Clothes made of breathable materials like cotton are preferable over synthetic fabrics, which can weigh the body down and create unnecessary warmth.
5. Practice good hygiene One of the best ways to manage body temperature is by taking a cold shower, especially after coming from outside. Not only is the body cooled, but the risk of possible exposure to bacteria and other contaminants is also mitigated. Meanwhile, regular and frequent hand washing and disinfection of eating and cooking utensils, including spaces, can prevent food contamination.
6. Protect against UV rays Ultraviolet rays of the sun can cause harmful effects on the body. Stay out of the sun as much as possible, and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 30 when going out. Additionally, wear clothes to cover the skin, and consider using a light, wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect the head and eyes from exposure to the sun.
7. Stay indoors While going outside may seem like a good idea once the quarantine is lifted, minimizing exposure to the outdoors can make all the difference in staying safe during the dry months. Make sure to plan necessary trips during cooler hours and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. Consider patronizing indoor-friendly alternatives to running errands outside.
8. See a health professional Amidst all the current health concerns, scheduling an executive check up with a doctor or health professional will ensure that any developing health problems are addressed before they have a chance to become more severe.
Stay Healthy and Beat the Heat As the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Knowing what risks to avoid—namely, the effects of exposure to sunlight and excessive heat—makes all the difference in planning both leisure and essential activities during the summer months.
From general health concerns to treatment for allergic reactions, Makati Medical Center offers professional health services during this summer season.