Among all the organs in the human body, the brain is the most complex. From what modern science has uncovered, this organ contains over 86 billion neurons, relaying commands to different parts of the body. Through this form of communication, normal body functions occur, which keeps a person healthy and alive.
To this day, medical experts and scientists have yet to uncover how this part of the body fully functions. This includes the development of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, which still has no cure at the moment. This can result in multiple complications, affecting both the patient and their loved ones.
As medical science progresses, more and more studies have been conducted to uncover new truths about this disease. Through these efforts, many people can understand the illness more and other ways to treat it. Here is what is known so far.
What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
Alzheimer’s disease is classified as a neurological condition typically more common in people in their late sixties. This illness is a type of dementia often caused by the decreasing number of brain cells which affect parts of the brain that control behavior, cognitive ability, language, and memory.
Alzheimer’s disease is also classified as progressive, indicating that the condition worsens as time goes by, leading to significant health decline.
A person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease can lose the ability to carry a conversation for long periods. Apart from that, the neurological damage caused by the condition can also change their behavior and the way they socialize. As a result, those that suffer from this condition often cannot function independently and require someone to watch over them.
10 Riveting Facts About Alzheimer’s Disease
Over 50 million suffer from this condition worldwide. To better understand their situation and become more mindful of their needs, some Alzheimer’s disease facts help give a better idea.
1. The root cause of the disease is still mostly unknown.
It is believed that Alzheimer’s disease is caused by the steady buildup of proteins inside, outside, and around the brain cells. However, scientists suggest that this cannot be the root cause of the condition.
2. There is still no known cure.
Scientists state that it is unlikely that there will be a single cure for the condition due to the many different diseases that can cause it. Currently, only medications that can help slow down the progression of symptoms in patients have been developed.
3. It is more than just forgetfulness.
Alzheimer’s disease is not solely classified by memory loss as its symptom. As it progresses, more brain cells decay, limiting the organ’s function and ability to carry out actions.
4. Three out of five women are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
More women are diagnosed with the condition compared to men, according to some researchers. Many hypothesize that this could be due to a gene variant called APOe4, which many women are found to carry. However, other experts also state that many other factors may cause women to be more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.
5. There are two types of Alzheimer’s disease.
The first type is early-onset, while the other is called late-onset. Early-onset happens to people aged below 65, with patients often diagnosed at age 40 or 50. The most common type is late-onset, which happens to people aged 65 and above and is usually due to genetic factors.
6. No test can definitively predict late-onset Alzheimer’s.
Scientists and medical experts have yet to discover a method to determine the likelihood of developing this condition. Generally, patients wait until they experience symptoms before getting a diagnosis from a doctor.
7. People with Alzheimer’s can still be productive.
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive condition that only worsens over time. However, it is a common belief that maintaining a healthy lifestyle can slow down its development and improve symptoms, so people who suffer from the disease can still be productive until it worsens to a point where they can no longer carry out tasks independently.
8. Proper diet can help lower the risk of developing the disease.
According to a study, a healthy diet can help contribute to the delay of cognitive decline. These diets must include a mixture of healthy brain benefiting foods such as olive oil, nuts, leafy greens, and berries.
9. Alzheimer’s disease is also known as Family Disease.
This condition is often referred to as such due to the stress it causes family members from watching their loved one’s health slowly decline. Other family members can often neglect their own needs when looking after the patient, leading to other health risks and complications.
10. Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s can be costly.
More often, the costs of caring for someone with this condition are high. These typically include coverage for a physician, medical tests, personal nursing care, and medications necessary to help slow down the symptoms.
Try Not to Forget
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common causes of dementia, which can be difficult for both the patient and their family members. When this condition develops in someone, they gradually lose their ability to function independently. As a result, their speech, memory, and behavior can drastically change over time, affecting their quality of life.
If you have a loved one showing signs of this condition, reach out to our healthcare experts at Makati Medical Center to help diagnose and manage Alzheimer’s disease.