What can we do to keep your health safe in the workplace? To answer this question, and more, Makati Medical Center’s Employee Health and Wellness Clinic (EHWC) held a one-day symposium called “Project Protect” on November 18 at the 8th Floor Tower 2 Auditorium. Attended by 70 clinical and corporate employees, Project Protect was designed to address the hospital’s advocacy and information dissemination campaign on workplace programs on HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), hepatitis B, tuberculosis, family planning, and drugs as mandated by the Department of Health (DOH). The topics were “Taking Responsibility For Your Reproductive Health” discussed by Patricia F. Kho, MD of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology; “Let’s Talk About Drugs” by Wamsie Chua, MD, a psychiatrist and Medical Specialist II at the DOH and Rehabilitation Center in Bicutan; and “How to Combat Emerging Infections in the Workplace” by Janice C. Caoili, MD, Head of the Section of Infectious Disease under the Department of Medicine, and Head of the Center for Tropical & Travel Medicine. Attendees participated in quiz games and demonstrations to enhance their knowledge on the topics. EHWC also invited guest speakers to give their testimonials on drug addiction and HIV.
Participants and speakers of “Project Protect”.