by Rosemarie B. Cabujat, MD, Head, Employee Health and Wellness Clinic The MMC Employee Health and Wellness Clinic (EHWC) led the fight against the flu virus through its Flu Vaccination Campaign for over 2,000 employees and staff. The flu vaccine was given for free to all regular and probationary employees, medical staff and house staff of Makati Medical Center starting June 15. This year’s hashtag #FLUFREEMMC2016 summarizes the institution’s aim to reduce the incidence of flu in MakatiMed. Aside from the EHWC clinic, additional vaccination sites were added for convenience: HR Conference Room (4th Floor, Tower 3) and 7th Floor Conference Room (7th Floor, Tower 2). This wellness program was supported by Infection Prevention & Control, Nursing & Patient Care Services Division, Pharmacy Services, Information & Communications Technology Division, and Facilities Management & Engineering Division.