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Makati Medical Center Gives Hope to Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

Writer: ahmad hatoumahmad hatoum

A patient admitted at the hospital receives help with his Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) treatment from his nurse. Patients and their relatives are trained by their Nephrologist and PD nurses so that they can independently perform their treatment at home, in school, or at work.

The national health insurance provider, PhilHealth, has announced the accreditation of Makati Medical Center as Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) First Z Benefit Provider. MakatiMed is the first tertiary private hospital to be accredited in Metro Manila. Due to the increasing trend in the number of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients needing maintenance dialysis, PhilHealth has created benefit packages that will cover this therapy. Peritoneal dialysis or PD is a home-based renal replacement therapy wherein dialysis solution is placed inside the abdomen and makes contact with the abdomen lining, called the peritoneum. The peritoneum acts as a filter, as the kidneys are no longer able to do their function. Patients and their relatives are trained by their Nephrologist and PD nurses so that they can independently perform their treatment at home, in school, or at work. The PD First Z Package covers the expenses for the PD solutions for almost the entire year (worth P270,000 per year). In order to receive this benefit, all CKD patients on peritoneal dialysis must apply for the Z benefit in an accredited PD First Z Benefit Center.  For more information, please contact MakatiMed Renal Care Services at +632.8888 999 locals 3107 and 3108, email, or visit


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