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Writer: ahmad hatoumahmad hatoum

By Maria Bernadita T. Javier, RND, Nutrition and Dietetics Department

By Maria Bernadita T. Javier, RND, Nutrition and Dietetics Department

Makati Medical Center received an award from the Philippine Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (PhilSPEN) on November 20, 2018 for the Most Outstanding Clinical Nutrition Case Report.  Authored by Izaak Borris Tan Reyes, RND from the Clinical Nutrition Section of the Nutrition and Dietetics Department (NDD), the case report of a 10-month long co-management titled “Nutrition Support and Management of Acute Disease Related Malnutrition Secondary to Intestinal Perforation with Persistence of Midline Intestinal Leak Post Repair due to Wound Dehiscence” won first prize at the 1st Clinical Nutrition Case Contest. The event, which was held during the PhilSPEN Annual Convention at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, was joined by five (5) other entries from various hospitals and institutions in Metro Manila. PhilSPEN is an organization that aims to improve patient care with the appropriate implementation of nutritional management to patients using a multidisciplinary approach, and to promote the progress of clinical nutrition research and practice in the Philippines. The winning entry recounted a case of a patient’s recovery course in the ward which was long and excruciating after developing complications and being given several surgical interventions.

(L-R) Maria Bernardita Javier, NDD Manager; Lea Alpuerto, Senior Dietitian; Maria Luisa Campos-Cagingin, MD, NDD Doctor Head, Izaak Reyes, Clinical Nutritionist-Dietitian; MAricar Esculto-Khan, MD, Clinical Nutrition Internist; Liza Fulton, Senior Dietitian; ​Mary Anne Tenorio, Clinical Dietitian; and Earl Gaw, Clinical Dietitian

The patient, who came to MakatiMed after a motor vehicular accident, tore a part of his small intestine and although repair was done, leak complications persisted after the surgical wound did not heal properly. The entire co-management lasted for 10 to 11 months with the multidisciplinary team comprised of surgeons, nephrologists, gastroenterologists, infectious disease specialists, hematologist, a physical therapist and the nutrition support team. The patient was eventually discharged after completely recovering from his last procedure on the 10th month of his confinement with no more leak complications. The case report author, Clinical Nutritionist-Dietitian Reyes who presented the case during the contest, and Clinical Nutrition Internist Maricar Madridejos Esculto-Khan, RND, MD both nutritionally managed and monitored the patient until his full recovery and discharge.


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