By: Mark Paul S. Castillo, MD, Chief Resident, Emergency Medicine
The Philippine Board of Emergency Medicine (PBEM) held its annual qualifying examination on March 4 for graduates of the various Emergency Medicine (EM) residency training programs. The over-all passing rate was 61% with the top spots occupied by MakatiMed graduates. Fatima S. Pioquinto, MD, scored the highest in the written examination, while Ranvier T. Martinez, MD, and Mariane C. Saballa, MD, tied for second. Kristian A. Villesenda, MD topped the oral exams and Dr. Saballa and Dr. Pioquinto both came in second. Other board passers were Mayvelyn R. Abiog, MD; Mary Grace O. Calilung, MD; Dianne Marie M. De Jesus, MD; Allen T. Pagayatan, MD; and Diogenes Santino B. Pangwi, MD. They were conferred their Diplomate status on April 23 during the Fellowship Night of the Philippine College of Emergency Medicine (PCEM) Annual Convention held at Novotel Manila, Araneta Center, Quezon City. According to Dr. Pioquinto, the training experience, perseverance, and lots of prayers were among the tools she used in the recently concluded board examinations.
Dr. Pioquinto and Dr. Villesenda
An atmosphere of camaraderie and friendly rivalry permeated the evening as each hospital’s training residents staged their Broadway-inspired performances. Makati Medical Center placed 2nd with their spirited rendition of “Annie”.
MakatiMed ED residents performing Broadway presentation of “Annie”.
The next day, three case reports by MakatiMed ED residents competed during the poster presentation. These were “Looking Into the Owl’s Eye: A Case Report on CMV Encephalitis secondary to Idiopathic CD4+ Lymphocytopenia” by John Hurjay M. Viray, MD; “Crushed Cord, Crushed Dreams: Complete Spinal Cord Injury after a Zip-line Ride – A Case Report” by Hazel Angeli D. Custodio, MD; and “The Atopic Heart: A Sensitive Case of Kounis Syndrome” by: Arthur L. Macogay III, MD. Dr. Macogay’s poster bagged the first place among 15 case reports. Minerva M. Laconico, MD, Chair of the Research Committee of the department hailed the significant achievements of the residents.
ED Resident Participants of the Case Report Poster Presentation, clockwise from top right: Arthur L. Macogay III, MD; John Hurjay M. Viray, MD; and Hazel Angeli D. Custodio, MD.
The final day of the convention saw the election of MakatiMed graduates and current consultant staff Daniel Noel M. Luchangco, MD, as Liaison Officer of PCEM, along with MMC HealthHub Clinical Manager Rey R. Ponteras, MD, as Auditor.
The newly elected Board Members of Philippine College of Emergency Medicine. Rey R. Ponteras, MD, (leftmost) was elected as Auditor, and Daniel Noel M. Luchangco, MD, (2nd from left) was elected Liaison Officer.
Dr. Laconico, the current Internal Vice-President of PCEM, conceptualized the theme “Breaking Barriers”. The highly successful convention was attended by over 700 participants from all over the country. Amado A. Flores III, MD, Chair of the Convention Committee, expressed delight over the record-breaking turnout and overall success of the convention. The Convention Committee Core Group is comprised entirely of MakatiMed Emergency Medicine graduates.
Convention Committee Core Group is composed of MakatiMed Graduates. (From left to right): Drs. Minerva Laconico, Ma. Paula Arenas, Lourdes Suntay-Palad, Mark Paul Castillo, Clarabelle Floresca, Eden Ferrer-Lasala, Jessica Ty-Corpus, Venus Calingasan, Mary Frances Bernardo, and Amado Flores III.
According to Department Chair Gabriel G. Gabriel, MD, the recent events bode well for the year 2017. He hopes that these achievements will serve as an inspiration and a challenge to the resident trainees of the department.