Makati Medical Center’s Clinical Research Center (CRC) has opened its doors to participants who wish to join clinical trials, or doctors and sponsors who plan to conduct these studies. Clinical trials are studies or experiments on humans which are carried out to evaluate health-related interventions. The MakatiMed Clinical Research Center (CRC), a unit under the hospital’s Medical Education and Research Division (MERD), supports consultants in planning and executing these trials. All MakatiMed clinical trials are reviewed and approved by the MakatiMed Institutional Review Board (MMC IRB), an independent ethics committee under the Office of the Medical Director that conducts technical and ethical reviews of research studies involving human subjects. The MMC IRB ensures the protection of the rights, safety, and well-being of human participants. Ongoing MakatiMed clinical trials as of mid-2017 include studies on new therapies for diabetes, glaucoma, acute venous thromboembolism, and various cancers. “Clinical trials are at the heart of all advances and breakthroughs in healthcare,” says Sonia E. Bongala, MD, Director of MERD. “More people are living longer from products or medication which have been proven safe and effective in treating diseases because of clinical trials. Taking part in a clinical trial adds relevant information in the treatment of known and emerging new diseases, and help advance and practice guidelines of future patients.” For doctors, sponsors, or other institutions interested in conducting a clinical trial, the CRC can help connect them to resources within MakatiMed. The CRC also provides its expertise on human subject protection, preparation and management of contracts and budgets, patient-flow analysis, and data collection planning. “Our emphasis is on planning,” says Rodmar C. Pulido, CRC Manager, adding that the CRC’s services encompass any stage of the study. “We encourage doctors to allow us to be part of their research plans, and for industry sponsors to contact the center even at the feasibility stage of their studies. Connecting with us can improve a study’s chances of success in implementation and shorten the lead time to initiate studies.” For more information, please visit or call 8888 999 local 7179.