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The Big 5 Personality Traits: Which One Is You?

Writer: ahmad hatoumahmad hatoum

One of the great pleasures of life is meeting different folks and getting to know them with the intent to forge lasting relationships. Each experience shapes the stories they tell and highlights their personality type. Not everyone would react the same way when placed in similar situations. That difference is associated with an individual’s personality.

Personality is believed to be influenced by genetics, but more so by environmental factors. It develops over time and becomes a part of a person’s individuality, setting them apart from others. With each person’s unique encounters with the world, having an open mind that understands their personality can form deeper relationships, which are important for their physical and mental health, no matter the age.

Read on to understand more about the big five personality traits and the kind of people that have them.

The Big Five Personality Traits

1. Openness

This trait showcases characteristics such as insight and imagination. People high in this trait embrace trying new things and experiences, implying they have a relatively more extensive comfort zone in their lateral and abstract thinking. They also tend to have a broader range of interests because of this trait.

They are most likely the type to order something different from the menu, try out the most exotic delicacies, or even just go a different route than the usual. They are often the people who think outside the box.

People low on this trait would likely dislike change, which means they do not find joy in trying new things. They would not be as imaginative and dislike abstract concepts or what-ifs. Other characteristics of people who do not fall under this trait would be those who are more traditional, conventional, and predictable.

2. Conscientiousness

Common traits of conscientious people include high levels of thoughtfulness, of being goal-oriented, and a good level of impulse control. More often than not, highly conscientious people are organized and detail-driven. They are good planners, and they can anticipate problems before they occur.

Conscientious people analyze their behavior and see how it affects others. They check on their peers regularly, like to plan gatherings, and are sure to ask about the overall well-being of a person.

People low on this trait are more likely to be impulsive and tend to dislike structure and schedules. Not being attentive to time would result in procrastination and difficulty finishing assigned tasks. Carelessness and disorganization are other characteristics of a person low on this trait.

3. Extraversion

This trait is characterized by a person’s sociability, talkativeness, high emotions, and excitability. People high in extraversion (extroversion) are outgoing and tend to gain energy from social situations. The presence of other people makes them feel energized and excited.

They are often called social butterflies and the opposite of wallflowers in gatherings. In addition, they thrive on being the center of attention and enjoy meeting new people. Chances are, extraverted individuals, have the biggest friend group you know.

People who are low in this trait prefer to be alone and easily get exhausted when socializing. They are often called introverts.

4. Agreeableness

People with agreeableness traits will show signs of affection, kindness, trust, and even altruism (selflessness). They are highly prosocial, making them more inclined to help out. Some notable characteristics of this personality include sharing, cooperating, and comforting other people.

Individuals with this trait tend to find careers in industries where they can help others the most. The types of jobs they can be in include medicine, volunteer groups, and charity works. They are generally soft-hearted, making them well-liked. Those low on this trait would present themselves as skeptics, show-offs, and unsympathetic to others.

5. Neuroticism

Those high on this trait tend to experience anxiety, sadness, emotional instability, moodiness, and irritability more often than others. These people are often mistaken as anti-social. Neuroticism is both an emotional and physical response to stress and threats.

While low levels of anxiety are a normal part of people, people high on this trait tend to overthink, hampering the individual’s ability to cope with stress. Those who are the opposite of this trait are more emotionally stable and resilient, and they take the time to focus on the present and live in it instead of worrying.

The Big Question: Which Are You?

The types of personality traits differ for everyone depending on what they have experienced in life. These experiences help shape how they interact with everyone, including their perspective of the world around them. Identifying other people’s behavior can help build stronger relationships with fewer arguments and miscommunication. This makes it easier to see how compatible a person is with another.

The importance of being aware of these personality traits lies in the fact that society will not function properly if no one gets along. So, take the liberty of learning more about it for others’ sake and yours. This piece merely serves as a brief introduction to an individual’s personality trait and will not determine it precisely.

The best way to ensure a harmonious relationship with others is to stay aware and observant of their characteristics. When it comes to matters of behavior and mental health, make sure to consult a Neuropsychiatrist. Makati Medical Center offers a wide range of world-class medical services, including Neuropsychiatry. Reach out to us today!



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