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Yuppie Wellness: How Young Professionals Can Stay Healthy at Work

Writer: ahmad hatoumahmad hatoum

The term “yuppie” generally describes a young urban professional who typically has a well-paying job and is interested in fashion, technology, and culture. And to remain at the top of their game at work and similarly sustain their lifestyle, this group of people must put in the work each day.

However, this drive is not without its costs. It can be easy for these yuppies to let their health fall by the wayside, especially for those who just joined the workforce.

But this is a reminder that it does not have to be this way. With some creativity and commitment to self-care, a person can achieve career success without sacrificing their body or mind.

Common Health Conditions Among Yuppies

In relation to their fast-paced, high-stress lifestyles, yuppies often face the following health issues:

1.   Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

A condition known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) results in extreme fatigue or tiredness, especially after exerting oneself physically or intellectually. Worse: These symptoms do not go away entirely even after sufficient bed rest.

In severe cases, ME/CFS can make even the most minor tasks such as taking a shower or getting out of bed nearly impossible. Despite the seriousness of the condition, a report estimated that 90% of people with ME/CFS remain undiagnosed.

Because of ME/CFS,  people can find keeping their job overwhelming, as tasks that used to be a breeze become extremely draining.

2.   Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a disorder that causes unpleasant, often overwhelmingly uncomfortable sensations in the legs that only go away with movement. Typically, these feelings happen when a person tries to rest or sleep or during extended periods of inactivity.

Because RLS tends to be triggered more often when a person is trying to recover, the disease can impact sleep quality, leading to further physical and mental exhaustion. And lack of sleep, among others, can negatively affect a young professional’s ability to maintain or improve their performance at work.

3.   Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Constipation, diarrhea, and stomach discomfort are signs of the medical disorder Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). This condition, in general, is incurable, although its symptoms are manageable. The hitch: Stress can worsen its symptoms. And with the level of stress yuppies experience, IBS is likely to be exacerbated.

4.   Anxiety disorder

Anxiety is the feeling of tension and fear concerning hypothetical or future events. Everyone experiences anxiety, but people with anxiety disorders may experience such overwhelming dread that they cannot do anything.

High stress levels from a yuppie’s position may trigger anxiety or panic attacks.

5.   Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

A stressful event or set of circumstances can lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

While this mental health disease is commonly associated with war veterans, PTSD can affect anyone. In particular, high-stress situations — like those emotional outbursts at work — can also cause PTSD.

A PTSD diagnosis often requires a mental health evaluation, which means those who do not actively seek professional help may remain undiagnosed for years.

6.   Major Depressive Disorder

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is characterized by prolonged sadness, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, and general fatigue, and it is prevalent among individuals who frequently experience high stress levels.

 MDD symptoms are highly treatable but require a professional diagnosis before a person can receive medication.

How to Be Healthy at Work

When fulfilling their career goals, yuppies should consider their physical and mental health at work. To assist in that matter, here are some tips for staying healthy while gunning for career success:

1.   Have a moderate caffeine intake

Many yuppies rely on caffeine for their energy needs. However, too much caffeine can cause insomnia, dehydration, and headaches. These symptoms can hurt a person’s energy levels and effort in the long run.

2.   Get moving

Young professionals should get their bodies moving whenever possible. One, for instance, can pace while on a call, take the stairs instead of an elevator, and stretch during breaks. These small actions add up and can make a difference in a person’s physical well-being.

3.   Maintain proper posture

A lot of corporate jobs require an employee to sit in front of a computer for hours. Putting in the effort to maintain a healthy posture can significantly reduce long-term damage to the spine and back. Once a person is used to sitting properly, it becomes second nature.

4.   Take frequent breaks

Short, frequent breaks help provide an individual with the energy to finish work effectively, and therefore, on time. While it can be tempting to fixate on a task until completion, pauses can offer a fresh perspective and provide potential solutions.

5.   Separate professional and personal life

Yuppies should learn to separate their professional and personal lives. They can achieve a healthy work-life balance by having a sectioned time dedicated to working separately from their relaxation hours. With the gray line between work and home space, make sure to dedicate time for yourself that does not involve anything about work. Setting boundaries can reduce stress levels and improve social dynamics.

6.   Practice stress management

Stress management can help overworked professionals relax and enable them to handle their tasks with more ease. Having modest, stress-relieving acts on hand — such as squeezing a stress ball, practicing deep-breathing exercises, facial yoga or massage, or merely closing your eyes for a few minutes — can greatly reduce stress.

Wellness at Work

Achieving overall wellness can be challenging for yuppies, considering the requirements of their jobs and certain limitations such as working from home. But with a commitment to caring for themselves, these young professionals can strive for success without sacrificing their well-being.

It is recommended that they see medical professionals regularly. Undergoing health check-ups tailor-fitted to them — which can be requested from MMC HealthHub — also goes a long way.

A professional treatment plan is necessary for yuppies to stay on top of common health concerns. Makati Medical Center employs healthcare experts for a wide variety of conditions. Explore the MakatiMed website for more information.



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